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;  MSP430 Floating Point Package   Version 4.0
;  Conversion Subroutines
;  Texas Instruments Deutschland
;  Date:    January, 6 1997
;  Author:  Lutz Bierl TID 4711
;  Version: 4.02
;	    3.0   First version
;	    4.0   Comment enhancements and corrections
;  This Conversion Package supports the following Integer Conversions:
;  CNV_BIN40   40 Bit binary to floating point		(24/40 mantissa)
;  CNV_BIN32U  32 Bit unsigned binary to floating point (24/40 mantissa)
;  CNV_BIN32   32 Bit signed binary to floating point	(24/40 mantissa)
;  CNV_BIN16U  16 Bit unsigned binary to floating point (24/40 mantissa)
;  CNV_BIN16   16 Bit signed binary to floating point	(24/40 mantissa)
;  CNV_BIN     40 Bit binary buffer to floating point	(24/40 mantissa)
;  CNV_FP_BIN  Floating point to binary 40 bits 	(24/40 mantissa)
;  CNV_BCD_FP  12 digit signed BCD  to floating point	(24/40 mantissa)
;  CNV_FP_BCD  FP number to signed 12 digit BCD number	(24/40 mantissa)
;  Errors are written to the Status Register SR: N = 0: no error
;						 N = 1: error occured
;  The conversion subroutines may be used for mantissas with 24 bits and
;  with 40 bits: the value of DOUBLE decides which length is used:
;  DOUBLE = 0:	24 bit mantissa (4 bytes per floating point number)
;  DOUBLE = 1:	40 bit mantissa (6 bytes per floating point number)
;  MSB=.31	   .23			  LSB=.0	   .FLOAT format
;  +-------------------------------------------+
;  | e.7 ... e.0 | sign | m.22 ........... m.0 |	   DOUBLE = 0
;  +--------------------.----------------------+
;   Exponent E	       DP     Mantissa M
;  MSB=.47	   .39				    LSB=.0 .DOUBLE format
;  +-----------------------------------------------------+
;  | e.7 ... e.0 | sign | m.38 ..................... m.0 | DOUBLE = 1
;  +--------------------.--------------------------------+
;   Exponent E	       DP     Mantissa M
;  Explanation of the FPP: see Metering Application Report
;  For all Conversion Subroutines:
;  - Two (three) free words have to be allocated on the stack
;  - Arguments are not changed (except if on TOS)
;  - All pointers point to the MSB part of the numbers
;  - After the completion both pointers (and the SP) point to the result
;    on top of the stack (TOS)
;  Call Example (written for both formats):
;	CALL	  #FLT_SAV     ; Save registers
;	SUB	  #(ML/8)+1,SP ; Allocate stack for result
;	MOV	  #bcdb,RPARG  ; Load address of BCD-buffer to RPARG
;	CALL	  #CNV_BCD_FP  ; Convert BCD (or binary) number to FP
;	MOV	  #val3,RPARG  ; Load address of FP number to continue
;	CALL	  #FLT_xxx     ; Calculate next result
;	....	  ........     ; Continue until final result is calculated
;	CALL	  #CNV_FP_BCD  ; Convert final FP result to BCD
;	JN	  CNVERR       ; FP number too big for BCD buffer
;	POP	  bcdmsd       ; BCD number MSDs and sign
;	POP	  bcdmid       ; BCD digits MSD-4 to LSD+4
;	POP	  bcdlsd       ; BCD digits LSD+3 to LSD
;			       ; Stack is corrected by POPs
;	CALL	  #FLT_REC     ; Restore registers
;	....	  ........     ; Continue with program
; The flag SW_RND is defined in the user's program:
; SW_RND    .equ       0	  ; 0: no rounding    1: rounding used
; Integer to Floating Point Conversions. A 3-word buffer is prepared and
; and converted. All conversions use this register buffer BIN_MSB to BIN_LSB.
; 40 Bit binary to floating point (signed and unsigned). RPARG points to MSBs
; of a 3 word buffer. Range: -2^40+1 to +2^40-1 (-1.099x10^12 to +1.099x10^12)
; FF00 0000 0001 to 00FF FFFF FFFF
; Call    MOV   #BINMSB,RPARG   ; Pointer to MSBs of a 3 word number
;         CALL  #CNV_BIN40      ; Call conversion routine
;         ...                   ; Result on TOS (2 or 3 words FP number)
	  JMP	 CNVL$1

; 32 Bit binary to floating point (signed). RPARG points to MSBs
; of a 2 word buffer. Range: -2^31 to +2^31-1 (-2.14x10^9 to +2.14x10^9)
; Call    MOV   #BINMSB,RPARG   ; Pointer to MSBs of a 2 word number
;         CALL  #CNV_BIN32      ; Call conversion routine
;         ...                   ; Result on TOS (2 or 3 words FP number)
CNV_BIN32 TST    0(RPARG)       ; Check sign
          JGE    CNV_BIN32U     ; Pos.: Use 32 bit unsigned conversion
          MOV    #0FFFFh,BIN_MSB ; Neg. number: set MSBs to FFFF
          JMP    CNVL$1
; 32 Bit unsigned binary to floating point conversion. RPARG points to MSBs
; of a two word buffer. Rang e: 0...2^32-1
; Call    MOV   #BINMSB,RPARG   ; Pointer to MSBs of a 2 word number
;         CALL  #CNV_BIN32U     ; Call conversion routine
;         ...                   ; Result on TOS (2 or 3 words FP number)
CNV_BIN32U CLR   BIN_MSB        ; High word is cleared
          MOV    @RPARG,BIN_LSB
          JMP    CNV_BIN
; 16 Bit binary to floating point (signed). RPARG points to value.
; Range: -2^15 to +2^15-1 (-32768 to +32767)
; Call    MOV   #BINMSB,RPARG   ; Pointer to MSBs of a 1 word number
;         CALL  #CNV_BIN16      ; Call conversion routine
;         ...                   ; Result on TOS (2 or 3 words FP number)
CNV_BIN16 TST    0(RPARG)       ; Check sign
	  JGE	 CNV_BIN16U	; Use 16 bit unsigned conversion
          MOV    #0FFFFh,BIN_MID ; Neg. number: set MSBs to FFFF FFFF
          MOV    #0FFFFh,BIN_MSB
          JMP    CNVL$2
; 16 Bit binary to floating point (unsigned). RPARG points to value.
; Range: 0 to +2^16-1 (0 to 65365)
; Call    MOV   #BINMSB,RPARG   ; Pointer to MSBs of a 1 word number
;         CALL  #CNV_BIN16U     ; Call conversion routine
;         ...                   ; Result on TOS (2 or 3 words FP number)
CNV_BIN16U CLR	 BIN_MSB	; Set MSBs to zero

; 48-bit signed integer in BIN_MSB to BIN_LSB
; This call may be used if the 48-bit number is yet in BIN_MSB to BIN_LSB
; Call    MOV   binmsb,BIN_MSB  ; Load MSBs of a signed 48 bit binary number
;         MOV   binmid,BIN_MID  ;
;         MOV   binlsb,BIN_LSB  ; Load LSBs
;         CALL  #CNV_BIN        ; Call conversion routine
;         ...                   ; Result on TOS (2 or 3 words FP number)
CNV_BIN   MOV	 BIN_MSB,2(SP)	; Store MSBs with sign in result MSBs
          TST    BIN_MSB        ; Check sign of number
          JGE    NORM           ; Pos.: yet ok
          INV    BIN_LSB        ; Neg.: Absolute value needed
          INV    BIN_MID        ; Invert value of 3-word buffer
          INV    BIN_MSB
          INC    BIN_LSB        ; Complement 3-word buffer
          ADC    BIN_MID
          ADC    BIN_MSB
	  JMP	 NORM		; Go to common conversion part
; BCD to Floating Point Conversion. A 3-word buffer containing a signed BCD-
; integer number is converted to a 32 bit or 48 bit floating point number.
; RPARG points to the MSD word of the buffer. The MSB of this word contains
; the sign: 0 = positive, 1 = negative
; Range: -8x10^11 + 1 to +8x10^11 - 1
; Call:   RPARG points to MSDs of BCD-Buffer  (sign in MSB of MSD)
; Return: RPARG, RPRES and SP point to result on TOS
; Call    MOV   #BCDbuffer,RPARG   ; Pointer to MSDs of a 3 word buffer
;         CALL  #CNV_BCD_FP     ; Call conversion routine
;         ...                   ; Result on TOS (2 or 3 words FP number)
	  MOV	 RPARG,RPRES	     ; Copy pointer
	  MOV	 @RPRES+,BCD_MSB     ; Sign, MSD to MSD-3
	  MOV	 @RPRES+,BCD_MID     ; MSD-4 to LSD+4
	  MOV	 @RPRES,BCD_LSB      ; LSD+3 to LSD
	  MOV	 BCD_MSB,2(SP)	     ; Store MSBs with sign in result space
          CLR    BIN_MSB             ; Clear binary buffer
          CLR    BIN_MID
          CLR    BIN_LSB
; BCD to Binary Conversion: 12 BCD-digits to 40 bit binary
	  MOV	 #12*4,COUNTER	; Digit counter x 4 bits
          BIC    #08000h,BCD_MSB     ; Clear sign bit
BCD_LOP1  RLA    BIN_LSB        ; MPY binary result with 10
          RLC    BIN_MID
          RLC    BIN_MSB
          PUSH   BIN_MSB        ; Store doubled value
          PUSH   BIN_MID
          PUSH   BIN_LSB
          RLA    BIN_LSB        ; x 4
          RLC    BIN_MID
          RLC    BIN_MSB
          RLA    BIN_LSB        ; x 8
          RLC    BIN_MID
          RLC    BIN_MSB
          ADD    @SP+,BIN_LSB   ; x(8 + 2)
          ADDC   @SP+,BIN_MID
          ADDC   @SP+,BIN_MSB
	  CLR	 HELP		; BCD digit buffer
CNVL$5	  RLA	 BCD_LSB	; Next BCD digit to HELP
          RLC    BCD_MID
          RLC    BCD_MSB
	  RLC	 HELP		; insert BCD number
	  BIT	 #3,COUNTER	; One BCD digit stored?
          JNZ    CNVL$5         ; Not yet, continue
	  ADD	 HELP,BIN_LSB	; BCD digit buffer contains BCD digit
	  ADC	 BIN_MID	; Add BCD digit to binary buffer
          ADC    BIN_MSB
	  TST	 COUNTER	; 12 BCD digits converted?
          JNZ    BCD_LOP1       ; No, next digit
; The converted binary number (max. 40 bits) is in the binary buffer.
; Shift left mantissa now until MSB = 1 (bit 7 of BIN_MSB). Create FP-sign
NORM	  SWPB	 2(SP)		; Stored sign from bit 15 to bit 7
	  AND	 #080h,2(SP)	; only sign remains
	  MOV.B  #080h+39,COUNTER ; max. exponent: true if MSB yet 1
NORM_LOP  TST.B  BIN_MSB	; Check if MSB = 1
          JN     NORMED         ; MSB = 1: normed mantissa
          RLA    BIN_LSB        ; Shift left 40 bit mantissa
          RLC    BIN_MID
          RLC.B  BIN_MSB
	  DEC.B  COUNTER	; Max. 39 times, decr. exponent
	  JN	 NORM_LOP	; if exponent < 080h: number < 1
; BCD number is 0: MSB is still 0 after 40 shifts. Output zero
	  JMP	 RES0		; Result is .FLOAT/.DOUBLE zero
; MSB of mantissa is 1 now: COUNTER contains exponent. Prepare FP number
; Rounding necessary only for .FLOAT format: .DOUBLE contains all 40 bits
; The completion part of the FPP is used for the number generation
NORMED	 MOV.B	 COUNTER,3(SP)	; Exponent in FPP format
     .if (DOUBLE=0)&(SW_RND=1)	; Conditions for rounding
	 RLA	 BIN_LSB	; MSB of BIN_LSB to carry (LSB-1)
	 JMP	 NORMLZ 	; Round mantissa with this bit
	 JMP	 DDRNZ		; Output FPP number without rounding
; Floating Point to Binary Conversion: the integer part of the Floating
; Point number RPARG points to is converted to a 40 bit signed binary number
; on top of the stack: (range FF00 0000 0001 to 00FF FFFF FFFF)
; Call:   RPARG points to the .FLOAT resp. .DOUBLE format number
; Return: the converted, signed 40 bit binary number is located on top
;	  of the stack (3 words). RPRES, RPARG and SP point to TOS
; Errors: N = 0: no error  (3 words result on TOS)
;	  N = 1: FP number > 2^39. The largest signed binary number is
;		 placed on TOS (00FF FFFF FFFF resp. FF00 0000 0001)
; Call    MOV   #FPnumber,RPARG ; Pointer to MSBs of a FP number
;         CALL  #CNV_FP_BIN     ; Call conversion routine
;	  JN	ERROR		; N=1: Largest number on TOS (3 words)
;         ...                   ; N=0: Result on TOS (3 words binary number)
	  MOV	 #0FFFFh,HELP	; Set switch to binary conversion
	  JMP	 CNV_FP_GEM	; Use CNV_FP_BCD FP to binary part
; Floating Point to BCD Conversion: the integer part of the Floating
; Point number RPARG points to is converted to a 12 digit BCD number
; on top of the stack:
; Call:   RPARG points to .FLOAT resp. .DOUBLE format number
; Return: the converted, signed 12 digit BCD number is located on top
;         of the stack (3 words)
; Errors: N = 0: no error  (3 words result on TOS)
;	  N = 1: |FP number| > 2^39 or |BCD number| >= 8 x 10^12
;		 The largest signed BCD number is placed on TOS:
;		 (+7999 9999 9999 resp. -7999 9999 9999)
; Call    MOV   #FPnumber,RPARG ; Pointer to MSBs of a FP number
;         CALL  #CNV_FP_BCD     ; Call conversion routine
;	  JN	ERROR		; N=1: Error: largest number on TOS (3 words)
;         ...                   ; N=0: Result on TOS (3 words BCD number)
CNV_FP_BCD MOV	 #0h,HELP	; Set switch to BCD conversion
CNV_FP_GEM .EQU $			 ; Common part
	  MOV.B  1(RPARG),COUNTER	 ; Save exponent of FP number
	  MOV	 @RPARG+,BIN_MSB	 ; Move FP number to BIN_xxx
     .if  DOUBLE=1
	  CLR	 BIN_LSB	; LSBs = 0 for .FLOAT numbers
	  PUSH	 BIN_MSB	; Save FP MSBs with sign
	  BIS.B  #080h,BIN_MSB	; Set hidden bit in mantissa, clear HI byte
; The mantissa in BIN_xxx is shifted until the 2^0 bit is at the LSB
; of BIN_LSB: this is the case if the exponent (in COUNTER) is 080h+39
     .if  SW_RND
	  CLR	 BCD_LSB	; Clear Carry save for rounding
	  CMP.B  #080h+39,COUNTER     ; Exponent = 080h+39?
	  JEQ	 B_CNV		; Yes, binary buffer contains integer now
	  JHS	 CNV_ERR4	; FP number too large for BCD buffer (C = 1)
	  RRC	 BIN_MSB	; BIN_MSB: 00xxh  Carry = 0
	  RRC	 BIN_MID	; Exponent < 39: shift right binary buffer
     .if  SW_RND
	  MOV	 SR,BCD_LSB	; Save last carry for rounding
	  INC.B  COUNTER	; Incr. exponent

; 2^0 bit in BIN_LSB.0:
; Rounding is made if selected. The 2^-1 bit (LSB-1) is added
B_CNV	  .equ	$
     .if   SW_RND		; Rounding selected?
	  BIT	#FC,BCD_LSB	; Test last carry for rounding
          ADC   BIN_LSB         ; Add it to binary buffer
          ADC   BIN_MID
          ADC   BIN_MSB
; The value in HELP defines the kind of conversion:
; BCD_MSB = 0: FP to BCD conversion
; BCD_MSB # 0: FP to binary conversion

          JZ    BCD_CNV
; Floating Point to Binary Conversion:
; The integer in the binary buffer is converted to signed binary
          MOV   BIN_LSB,BCD_LSB ; Move integer to BCD buffer
          MOV   BIN_MID,BCD_MID
          MOV   BIN_MSB,BCD_MSB
	  CLR	HELP		; No error indication
FPBIN	  POP	COUNTER 	; Restore MSBs and sign of FP number
	  TST.B COUNTER 	; Test sign
          JGE   CNVL$10         ; Sign is positive, output integer
          INV   BCD_LSB         ; Neg.sign: negate integer
          INV   BCD_MID
          INV   BCD_MSB
          INC   BCD_LSB
          ADC   BCD_MID
          ADC   BCD_MSB
          JMP   CNVL$10         ; Use common output part
; Floating Point to BCD Conversion:
; The integer in the binary buffer is converted to BCD in the BCD buffer
BCD_CNV   MOV	#40,COUNTER	; 40 binary bits max.
          CLR   BCD_LSB         ; Clear BCD buffer
          CLR   BCD_MID
          CLR   BCD_MSB
BCD_LOP2  RLA   BIN_LSB         ; Start binary to BCD conversion
          RLC   BIN_MID
	  RLC.B BIN_MSB 	; Only LO byte of MSBs is used: 00xx
          DADD  BCD_LSB,BCD_LSB ; Carry to LSB, double BCD-number
	  JC	CNV_ERR3	; Error: |FP number| >= 1 x 10^12
	  JN	CNV_ERR3	;	 |FP number| >= 8 x 10^11
	  JNZ	BCD_LOP2	; No error: HELP = 0
; The BCD buffer contains the converted 12 digit number: insert sign
FPBCD	  POP	COUNTER 	; Restore MSBs and sign of FP number
	  TST.B COUNTER 	; Test sign
          JGE   CNVL$10         ; Sign is positive
          BIS   #08000h,BCD_MSB ; Insert neg. sign to BCD buffer
CNVL$10   .equ	$
; Write result on top of stack
; .FLOAT:  One additional word is needed for the result. Push return address
; .DOUBLE: Three words for result are available
     .if  DOUBLE=0		; .DOUBLE format places 3 words on stack
	  PUSH	2(SP)		; .FLOAT format: PUSH return address
     .endif			; to get room for 3 word result
          MOV   BCD_LSB,6(SP)   ; BCD result to stack
          MOV   BCD_MID,4(SP)
          MOV   BCD_MSB,2(SP)   ; MSDs on TOS (after return)
	  JMP	FLT_END 	; Use FPP completion part
; Error: |FP number| >= 1 x 10^12 or >= 8 x 10^11. N = 1
; Return with largest,signed BCD-number on TOS.
CNV_ERR3  MOV	#07999h,BCD_MSB ; largest BCD number
	  MOV	#09999h,BCD_MID ; 7999 9999 9999
	  MOV	#09999h,BCD_LSB
	  MOV	#FN,HELP	; indicate error
	  JMP	FPBCD		; output this number signed
; Error: |FP number| > 2^39. Check if BCD or binary conversion
	  JZ	CNV_ERR3	; FP_BCD conversion: output BCD number
	  MOV.B #0FFFFh,BCD_MSB ; FP_BIN conversion: output largest binary
	  MOV	#0FFFFh,BCD_MID ; number: 00FF FFFF FFFF
	  MOV	#FN,HELP	; indicate error
	  JMP	FPBIN		; output this number signed

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